Saturday 31 March 2018

Herbology 101

Okay, the first signs of life in the garden. I shall now demonstrate my vast herbological knowledge.

It's a twig. With buds on.

It's a... bush?

Here's that green. Looks vaguely like strawberries but that's not too likely.

These are, um, er, I have no effing clue. On the left might be crocuses or something, solely because they're growing so early in spring, but the stuff in front? No idea.

The folks who sold us the house mentioned protecting some plants from rabbits. (Hares?) Shame I can't remember what name they called them. The plants, I mean; they didn't call the rabbits any names although I could tell they wanted to.

These are daffodils. I know because I bought them at Prisma under a sign that said "daffodils - 4 for 5€". They're actually in a planter box (or whatever box - plants aren't the only words I'm a bit lost for).

And that's Pikachu, keeping it real.

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